Come rain or shine, …

The weather in the Paznaun

  • -3° / 1°
  • 50% / 40%
  • 1 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1200 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Weather forecast

The cold northward flow will no longer hold us captive for much longer. However, the coldest nights of this late winter weather period will become apparent, as the air will become increasingly dry. Already on Thursday, a predominantly sunny weather pattern will set in. Residual clouds will dissipate more and more, allowing temperatures to drop significantly into the frost range again during the predominantly clear night into Friday. Even the temperature rise in the mountains will hardly change this. Only with the wind shifting to southwest to south on Friday the polar air will finally be pushed back, and over the weekend, it will be replaced by much warmer Mediterranean air. However, this will also be accompanied by partly stormy southerly foehn winds in the mountains. Especially on Sunday, this will bring in more extensive high cloud cover. Overall, the weekend weather north of the main Alpine ridge will be exceedingly pleasant and dry. Along the main Alpine ridge itself, there will be temporary weak southward flow. Generally fine and pleasantly warm spring weather will prevail at the beginning of the new week.

  • -5° / 4°
  • 20% / 0%
  • 5 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1600 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -4° / 8°
  • 0% / 20%
  • 4 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 2200 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -1° / 10°
  • 0% / 0%
  • 6 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 2400 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • 5° / 12°
  • 0% / 0%
  • 5 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 2800 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Current conditions

  Temperature Wind* Webcam
Greitspitz 2,872 m -8 °C 0 km/h Open
Zeinis 2,250 m - - Open
Kappl 1,180 m 4 °C - Open
Idalp 2,320 m -7 °C 3 km/h Open
Ascherhütte 2,250 m - - Open
Diasbahn Bergstation 1,830 m 10 °C 0 km/h Open
Medrig Center 1,800 m - - Open
Alblittkopf 2,700 m
-9 °C 12 km/h
Ischgl 1,400 m 0 °C - Open
Palinkopf 2,864 m -10 °C 13 km/h Open
Istalanz 1,700 m - - Open
Nachtweide 2,089 m
-5 °C -
See Tal 1,100 m - - Open
Samnaun Dorf 1,840 m
-3 °C 0 km/h
Piz Val Gronda 2,812 m -12 °C 11 km/h Open
Alp Trida 2,250 m
-3 °C 7 km/h
Pardatschgrat 2,624 m -6 °C - Open

* With the measured wind speeds bargain on a 10-minute average. Gusts which may reach higher wind speeds will go under this time. Wind gusts may be 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 times over the 10-minute average.

... the Paznaun valley convinces with its charms in any weather! A hike in bright sunshine or an exciting bad weather program on a rainy day: Paznaun is a real all-weather destination!

But if you are planning your next vacation, you should still know where you stand weather-wise. Therefore, here's the latest weather information for your time out in Ischgl, Galtür, Kappl and See at a glance!